Saturday, November 27, 2021

From Blue Racing Crew to Henley to the CT Senate: A Conversation with "Scotty" Frantz


Episode 54

Listen here:

Scott Frantz (Den 1974) is the son of Leroy Frantz who went to Mowglis in the early 40s, and the brother of Ted Frantz who was a member of the 1973 Den.


After Mowglis Scott, who stroked the winning Blue Racing Crew, rowed for Princeton in college, won a national championship, and was invited to row at Henley. His crew's performance was so exciting that a race fan came running over to the boat to greet them at the end of the race. I won't take away the thrill of having you hear about that race and the excited fan from Scott himself.

Grand Parade Mindscape

Saturday, November 20, 2021

EP 53 Chris Hedges


Episode 53 
Our Class - Their Song: A Conversation with Chris Hedges

Listen here:

Chris Hedges, Wayne King & Kodi relax after a hike in Acadia National Park

Mowglis Memories: Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges and I have been friends since we began at Mowglis in the early 1960s but one of my most vivid memories of those days was listening with Mr. Hart to a broadcast on National Public Radio of Chris reporting from a war zone. His look of pride in Chris and the way he shook his head in amazement at the bravery exhibited by Chris was unmistakable and left a lasting impression.
Chris Hedges (Mowglis 1964-1967 & 1970 JS) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, war correspondent, and author of 14 books. His latest book, "Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison" chronicles his experience teaching in a NJ prison and is an intense, at times, heartbreaking and joyous journey. I spoke with Chris about his Mowglis days and "Our Class".

Listen here:

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Robert Collins Howe


Episode 52 A conversation with Robert Collins Howe

From the lanai of his home in Honolulu Hawaii 1973 graduate Robert Collins Howe shared with me some of his Mowglis memories including a Cub raid on the Den after several of the Cubs had been unceremoniously introduced to the Den Mouse. Mr. Hart was none too happy but the daring dinnertime raid became part of the legend of the summer in Bob's first year.

Listen here: