Wednesday, August 31, 2022

EP 67 Lockwood "Woody" Merriman - Committed to the Mowglis Spirit

 Lockwood “Woody” Merriman: Den 1961

10:31 AM

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Woody Merriman comes from a long line of Mowglis men. His dad and his uncles all attended Mowglis and his father (also Lockwood Merriman) was a member of the Holt Elwell Memorial Foundation Board of Trustees, as was Woody.

Like many Mowglis alumni Woody can rattle off all of the important, and prestigious, institutions with which he has been associated in his life and adamantly states that Mowglis was the most important source of who he became as a person.  Who he became as a person is a fellow that everyone is fond of, who still hikes and camp but eschews the limelight (if you wondered why we used a 1961 Red Racing crew photo for this podcast it’s because Woody is a very private fellow and shies away from having his picture taken!). 

We caught up with one another at the Mowglis work weekend where I interviewed Woody, with some “help” from my Belgian Shephard Kodi - no all that panting you hear in the background isn’t Woody, but he was kind enough to say that it helped create an air of authenticity so we went with it.

Listen here: