Thursday, January 12, 2023

EP 83: Judd Kendall Reveals the Truth about "The Full Walbridge".

Judd Kendall

"You're not at the top until there's nothing above you." That's what his mother told Judd when she took him to hike Prospect Mountain in Lancaster NH as a 3 year-old. He's loved hiking his whole life, so becoming a Mowglis man was just par for the course for him. 

Listen here:

Jud first came to Mowglis because his uncle - after whom he was named - had been a Mowglis man in the late 1930s, though Jud never knew him. His uncle Judson Bemis Conant was killed in action only months before the end of WWII. 

Jud would be followed by his brother Harry. Both of them learned archery from ionic Cheyenne brother and teacher Jim West, though Jud makes sure to note that Harry was the rock star when it came to the bow and arrow.

2 years as cox of the winning red racing crew, Mout Washington Squad, Inner Circle and Wolf's Paw Award were among Judd's achievements, not bad for a fellow who was only two years as a camper!

Many a boy from the ensuing years remembers Judd Kendall as a staff member that they admired deeply.

Here's my conversation with Judd Kendall - if you have never heard the full story of "The Full Walbridge" you have to listen to this podcast, Judd Tells ALL!

Show notes:

Here was CWAL's response

Judd's story is true! It was on the "Pemi Peaks Trip", an honor squad for strong hikers. I was pretty clumsy, but this turned out OK thanks to the pool at the bottom! The only correction: the boy's name was Gary Studwell, not Dudley!

We were stuck at Ethan Pond for two nights because of heavy rains, but then it cleared up. The day we hiked through Zealand to Mount Bond, spent the night at Guyot Shelter, and continued the romp across the Twin Range to Garfield  was one of my favorite all-time Mowglis trips. WE had crummy weather that thwarted our plan to climb Lafayette and we hiked out from Garfield Ponds. I wrote a howl about it!

Thank goodness for football! I could never do soccer, baseball, or basketball but I could smack into people, grab them, and tie things up!

I was "kind" to Chuck Goehring at Shining Rock Cliff because I was scared he was going to be seriously injured and relieved that we could walk him out! He didn't have the advantage of a pool at the bottom, and was pretty banged up. It could have been worse!

Good hunting,

Charlie Walbridge

Judd also shared with me two Wah Pah Nah Yah paintings that were given by Dick West to his late uncle

here's a screen capture of one of them.

To view Wayne's Art Gallery click here.

If you purchase a signed original from the Mowglis Gallery your entire purchase will be donated in your name to Mowglis.

Dreaming in Gold - Signed Originals

Aspen Grove Independence Pass - Poster

Maple Moon Mindscape - Open Edition

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